Mobile VAS Project Development


Customize mobile VAS Solutions

In2Excel Solutions has a team of seasoned developers capable of building mobile Value-Added Service(mVAS) based systems. The Service Delivery Platform(SDP) operates on SMS, USSD, WAP, Voice, RBT and can also integrate services on a subscription, pay-per-usage basis using Operator's Airtime charging.

In2Excel has a track record of developing and maintaining mobile VAS projects for clients across various countries, including America, Europe, Africa,Middle East and Asia, The Team has substantial experience on handling APIs of various operators required to supporting services.

The VAS services developed by us include:-

  • Mobile music, videos, games download after successful Airtime Charging

  • RBT setup on USSD

  • SMS daily alerts push

  • Ads networks setup for mobile network users

  • VAS for Banking & Finance

  • Mobile Airtime Charging API for selling products or services

  • HTML5 Games on Subscription basis

  • Interactive Quizzes and Polls

  • Exclusive Discounts and Shopping Deals


Revenue Models for VAS Service Delivery Platform(SDP)

  1. Subscription-Based:

    • Users subscribe to a service on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.
  2. Pay-Per-Use:

    • Users pay for individual services or content pieces as they use them.
  3. Freemium:

    • Basic services are provided for free, with premium features available for a fee.
  4. Advertising-Supported:

    • Services are offered for free or at a reduced cost, supported by advertisements.